Kapha dosha is made up of water and earth.
- astringent - legumes, raw fruits and vegetables, beans, lentils, raw bananas, cranberries, pomegranate, pears, dried fruit, broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, asparagus, turnip
- bitter - kale, spinach, green leafy salads, green cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, turmeric, fenugreek, dandelion root, coffee, tea, grapefruits, olives, bitter melon.
- pungent flavors - Chili peppers, garlic, onions, ginger, cayenne pepper.
- Adding ginger and limes or lemons to your water will help kaphas slow digestion. This will increase their digestive fire.
- Drink hot ginger tea with meals.
- Spices to add: pepper, cayenne, mustard seed, and ginger.
- Turmeric - protective effect on the liver and can help reduce blood cholesterol levels.
- Olive oil is best for cooking with for kapha.
- Heavy and hard to digest foods like oily, processed foods.
- Meats, cheeses, milk and rich desserts. These foods tend to clog pores and result in acne.
- Oats, rice, and wheat.
Kapha season is from the coldest part of winter to early spring. The weather is usually wet and cold. This is similar to kapha dosha which will increase kapha and causes imbalances.
Daily routine:
- Should wake up by 6am
- Take warm baths
- Use gentle cleaners for the face.
- Exercise, practice yoga, go for a walk, do meditation,
- Exercising will increase circulation which will help with constipation. Sweating helps to purify the skin.
- Face oils - organic tulsi, organic geranium, organic rosemary, organic carrot seed oil, organic lavender, organic rose oil, organic safflower, vitamin E. These oils are soothing, clears the pores, reduces acne and blackheads, decreases pigmentation, May use the oils alone or in a combination. Do face self massage under vata description.