manjulali's blog

The Yogic Mind

By Sandra Corder, Ayurveda Counselor

In the hierarchy of “being”.  At the top, of course are Purusha and Prakruti – one directs existence and the other the creative force of action.  Next is Mahad or Buddhi, which cosmic intelligence, then the Ahamkar, or ego.  At this point in this hierarchy, there is a branching between subtle and gross.  Subtle being Sattva, and gross being Tamas with Rajas sliding between the two.                  

Bhakta rice using basmati rice in a rice cooker

Automatic rice cookers are a great kitchen convenience, but if you've tried to use them for brown rice the results may have been tough, chewy and dry. Here's how to get great results with bhakta rice that is super-easy to digest!

Daily Routine

Daily Routine is one of the lifestyle modifications suggested to bring balance to our body and mind. The idea is to synchronize our internal clock to the cycle of the sun during a 24 hour cycle. Read more.

Sanskrit for Ayurveda

Sanskrit for Ayurveda practitioners
Mithun Baliga

Sanskrit is the spoken language of the Devatas or Demigods, according to Vedas. Samskrtam is said to be the oldest language known. Sanskrit is such a language rich in meaning, oftentimes there is no equivalent translation of the depth in which a word or sentence may be expressed through its context. Any student who is interested in Ayurveda will inevitably turn to the Briyat Treya.

Mamsa Dhatu - Muscle System in Ayurveda

Mamsa Dhatu refers to the 3rd tissue in the evolution of the dhatus in Ayurveda. This tissue governs muscles, tendons, skins, and various excretions of the body. Our focus is on the increase and decrease of the mamsa dhatu in relation to emaciation, weight loss, and weight gain. emaciation and weight loss can be closely tied to Mamsa dhatu because it is closely tied with Earth and Fire and its manifestation in the body.

Ayurveda Nadi and Chinese Meridians


Nadi- Literally, a river, a channel or passageway; the pulse; there are innumerable nadis in the human body, from the very subtle to the very gross, carrying substances into, out of, or throughout the body.
(Lad, M.A.Sc, Vasant, 2002)

Samkhya Philosophy in Ayurveda

Authors: Students of San Diego College of Ayurveda

Samkhya to me is the most realistic, understandable and exquisite philosophy of creation and the components of our being. From physical/material existence to the highest level of consciousness Samkyha explains it all.

Ayurveda and Organic Foods

Western nutrition and Ayurvedic nutrition have definite differences about how people nourish themselves. Western nutrition concerns itself with the amount of calories, amount of macronutrients, carbs, proteins and fats, and micronutrients, vitamin and mineral content, and an ingredient list. Of course, western people are obsessed with being thin, so of course, calories is the first thing listed on western food labels.

Ayurveda and western nutrition

There exists additional information which is not part of established food guidelines we are used to seeing on a day to day basis when we purchase items pre packaged.  Some considerations of things which make a difference to the value of what we are eating include when we eat it, what season it is, where it is grown, harvested or processed, what other foods may interact with another.  


nāḍī in Ayurveda

Nārayana Nāḍī and Ayurvedic energetic assessment

By Monica Groover

In over a decade and a half of practice, nothing impresses people who have heard about Ayurveda like the mystic of the famous nāḍī. An Ayurveda practitioner touches your wrist and magically tells you amazing things about you-almost like a psychic reading.

This is not like a pulse assessment--rather it is reading the prana, the qi that flows in the body energetically, and just like reading tea leaves, an experienced practitioner can tell us what will come and has happened.